
The place promised in our...

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tursiops33's avatar

Literature Text

The place promised in our early days

It's everywhere,
It's nowhere,

Each one has to find it,
His own little island,

This tiny place we see in dreams,
This marvelous site created by hope,

It is everywhere,
And is nowhere,

Where I am doesn't matter,
With whom I am is the matter,

If nowhere is the place to go,
Then I'll stay here,

But everywhere is more ubiquitous,
It's where we all are,

Somewhere is the place to be,
As you're in both at the same time,

So I'm nowhere,
I'm everywhere,
Though somewhere,
Is the place promised in our early days.
Completely inspired by the anime "The place promised in our early days"
Hope you like it!

You can listen to me live reading it on the 4th episode of my podcast that you can find here: [link]

Poem detailed explanation:

Ok this poem is really one that I am specially proud and that I specially like, it's also pretty complicated to explain without you seeing the anime movie that inspired it, but I'll try. So first things first, the title, in there the title of the anime was so good already and it fitted so perfectly the atmosphere I wanted to give to the poem that I just took it all and put it as title.

Then as the title is pretty ambiguous I wanted the poem to be ambiguous too to reflect that, so I start by giving two opposites and it already gives the tone for the rest of the poem, as I'm going to keep that line until the end.

The second paragraph I though that when we're lonely or when we just want to disconnect from life, and issues, and stuff, we can go into our mind and virtually go to another place, that only we know, and that gives us the change and peacefulness that we need to keep on going after we go back to reality, so that's what I wanted to make the reader feel. Then I just emphasize this and add that it's a place to find home when we're afraid, lonely or depressed, so by that I want to make the reader understand that it's a beautiful place. Again I repeat the first sentence to give some kind of focal point and say that that was one part of the place I dreamed of, but wait there's more!

Then I took reference on the anime movie and said that when you're in that land of your own, it certainly might have everything you dreamed of, like big sandy beach, big mountains, beautiful lagoon, etc… But it's so much more inviting if there is someone you know and care about that's there too, and because it's your place and you're creating it, you can do whatever you want with it, as the goal is to feel good, feel rested and happy. Also to emphasize a bit more on this I used the same two words at the end of the two sentences but even if they're the same word, they convey a different meaning, as the first one is pretty careless, and the other one is pretty hopeful.

Then continue with the saying opposite things, to make the reader understand that you don't need to fly to another place to escape the things you want to escape from. Then I said well I'll keep saying things that seem obvious but in the way they're said they seem prettier and less obvious. Again with the next sentence I want to emphasize the fact that you'll feel better in the place you created if there's someone with you that you know, care and love.

Now the grand finale, I repeat the main aspects of the poem that I want the reader to remember and put together this and the meaning of the title, to make it a really memorable ending.
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zhugebeifong's avatar
Touching. Very creative with words.